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- Toddler & Me Wednesday #7001
Toddler & Me Wednesday #7001
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What better way to begin the day with your toddler but in a relaxed, fun environment while introducing them to a few of the classic tunes together! It’s amazing how quickly children enjoy memorizing lyrics and keeping time with the beat…a star is born indeed!
Who: Ages: 18 months to 3 yrs. old
Day: Wednesdays
Time: 9:00-9:45 AM
Dates: April 15th - June 3rd 2020
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City Kid Theatre Company (CKTC) reserves the right to close or cancel a class that doesn’t meet the minimum enrollment CKTC deems necessary to cover expenditures. CKTC retains the right to provide substitute teachers in the event of the absence of regularly scheduled teachers. Students will not be invoiced for tuition. Parents or Guardians are responsible for making payments at the correct times, and are subject to additional fees in the event tuition is not received on time. CKTC accepts cash, check and credit card payments for tuition. Please note that there is a $25 fee for returned checks CKTC has a NO REFUND POLICY after the first week classes are held. Tuition and registration are due the prior to the first day of class. If space is available, late registration may be accepted. Spaces in class will not be held if tuition has not been received during regular registration. Parents/Guardians are responsible for picking up students inside the building, as well as handouts, updates and any other information. Students are responsible for wearing proper dance attire including dance shoes or gym shoes. If these rules are not followed students will be asked to leave class. This is to ensure safety and fairness. The CKTC provides educational opportunity without discrimination on the grounds of race, sexual orientation, color, creed or religion, gender, national origin or age. I/We enroll our student (s), listed on the registration form. In recognition of the services CKTC provides, I/We understand and agree to CKTC’s guidelines listed above. I/We understand that our child’s photo and video may be published on its internet web site and other sources. I/We also understand that no name, address or phone will appear with the photo or video. I/We grant permission for the web site and social media publishing as described above indefinitely or until I/We request its removal by CKTC. I/We understand that all communication will be via email (for example: closings, reminders, and important dates). As a participant, or parent/guardian, I acknowledge that there are certain risks of injury and I agree to assume full risk of injuries, including death, loss or damages which may be sustained as part of participating in activities associated with the CKTC. I/We understand all of the above and agree to follow the rules and guidelines listed above. * [ ] I Agree ______________________________
Place this page, a check, sign and check the bottom box of this page.
City Kid Theatre Company (CKTC) reserves the right to close or cancel a class that doesn’t meet the minimum enrollment CKTC deems necessary to cover expenditures. CKTC retains the right to provide substitute teachers in the event of the absence of regularly scheduled teachers. Students will not be invoiced for tuition. Parents or Guardians are responsible for making payments at the correct times, and are subject to additional fees in the event tuition is not received on time. CKTC accepts cash, check and credit card payments for tuition. Please note that there is a $25 fee for returned checks CKTC has a NO REFUND POLICY after the first week classes are held. Tuition and registration are due the prior to the first day of class. If space is available, late registration may be accepted. Spaces in class will not be held if tuition has not been received during regular registration. Parents/Guardians are responsible for picking up students inside the building, as well as handouts, updates and any other information. Students are responsible for wearing proper dance attire including dance shoes or gym shoes. If these rules are not followed students will be asked to leave class. This is to ensure safety and fairness. The CKTC provides educational opportunity without discrimination on the grounds of race, sexual orientation, color, creed or religion, gender, national origin or age. I/We enroll our student (s), listed on the registration form. In recognition of the services CKTC provides, I/We understand and agree to CKTC’s guidelines listed above. I/We understand that our child’s photo and video may be published on its internet web site and other sources. I/We also understand that no name, address or phone will appear with the photo or video. I/We grant permission for the web site and social media publishing as described above indefinitely or until I/We request its removal by CKTC. I/We understand that all communication will be via email (for example: closings, reminders, and important dates). As a participant, or parent/guardian, I acknowledge that there are certain risks of injury and I agree to assume full risk of injuries, including death, loss or damages which may be sustained as part of participating in activities associated with the CKTC. I/We understand all of the above and agree to follow the rules and guidelines listed above. * [ ] I Agree ______________________________